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Taylor Swift had some biting comebacks during her court case this week

“I’m not going to allow your client to make me feel like it is my fault because it isn’t.”

original (1) A sign opposite the courthouse in Denver Source: David Zalubowski/PA Images

THIS WEEK TAYLOR Swift is in court testifying that 55-year-old former DJ David Mueller groped her during a meet-and-greet before a concert in 2013.

Mueller is seeking $3 million in damages for her claim. Swift is counter-suing him for $1. 27-year-old Swift alleges that Mueller assaulted her in the meet-and-greet by lifting her skirt and groping her bum during a photo-op.

Taylor Swift Radio Host Source: Jeff Kandyba

During Taylor’s testimony, she was asked a number of questions, to which she had some pretty quick replies.

Mueller’s attorney, referring to the picture that was taken during the assault, asked Swift why the front of her skirt had not been ruffled by Mueller’s groping. Here’s what she had to say in response:

taylor Source: Blair Miller/Twitter

Swift was then asked if she was critical of her bodyguard for not reacting if the allegations of assault were true. She replied “I’m critical of your client sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my ass.”

PastedImage-85346 Source: Claudia Rosenbaum/Twitter

Mueller claimed that he had possibly touched her rib cage, if he had touched her anywhere at all. As TMZ’s leaked photograph shows, his hand is nowhere near her rib cage.

Mueller’s attorney asked Taylor had she been touched by him at any other point, and she said he was “too busy grabbing [my] ass under [my] skirt to touch her anywhere else.”

Taylor Swift Radio Host Source: Jeff Kandyba

Buzzfeed entertainment reporter Claudia Rosenbaum who was transcribing the court case said that Taylor only continued with her meet-and-greet after the assault because she “didn’t want to ruin the experience of fans that were standing by.”

Swift also reportedly was told my the attorney “You could  have taken a break if you were distressed” to which she replied “Your client could have taken a normal photo with me.”

Taylor Swift Live in Concert - Chicago Source: Daniel DeSlover

Buzzfeed then reported that Mueller’s line of questioning drifted towards why there were no direct witnesses of the assault.

PastedImage-91117 Source: Claudia Rosenbaum/Twitter

It’s important to remember that Taylor Swift didn’t even bring this to court. Mueller took the case to court to sue Taylor after he lost his job due to the photo that emerged that appeared to depict him groping her.

Swift said:

I’m not going to allow your client to make me feel like it is in any way my fault because it isn’t.

Mueller’s attorney then asked Taylor if she could see the incident directly. She bit back by saying she couldn’t exactly see because her “ass is on the back of her body.”

Taylor was questioned on the stand for almost an hour.


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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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